Telephone: 057 9351225
Fax: 057 9326926
Tullamore Medical Centre, Sullivan House, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Ireland, R35 YF98.
(Located directly opposite front gate of Tullamore Midland Regional Hospital on Arden Road).
Opening Hours:
9.15am to 12.45pm & 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Monday to Friday
Surgery Telephone: 057 9351225
MIDOC GP Out of Hours Service
Weekends & Bank Holidays
"On call service" is available outside of our normal opening hours,
6pm - 8am Monday - Friday evenings
24 hrs Weekends & Bank Holidays
MIDOC Telephone: 1850 302 702
We have ample free parking is available to the front and rear of the premises.
We have disabled access through our main front door.
Tel: 057 9351225 • Fax: 057 9326926